The Culture Punch Podcast

CPP EP 86 | Scary Times

WallStr33t Episode 86

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Every so often I feel the need to just vent about the things that are either going on in the world at that given time.  OR I am in internally battling something that I feel I need to get off my chest. I do this in hopes that what I have to say can reach at least one person. These episodes aren't for sponsors or downloads but more so a message that I hope finds it way to the right person. If this intrigues you in the slightest -- please listen in and let me know what this episode did or meant to you.

Music in this Episode provided by Epidemic Sound. They have a library of music, sound effect and more. They have a lot for everyone!



Social Media:

Beat provided by Shay Adefeso. Go check him out at:

Go show some love to creeps and go check out the album he assisted in producing  by OdaCreep. 

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